Stato progetto

LIFE SAM4CP project aims at developing and evaluating the impact of land consumption on the soil functions and ecosystems, developing a supporting tool to support the decisions of urban development.


Stato progetto

Il Progetto ha l’obiettivo di quantificare e valutare gli impatti di consumo del suolo sulle funzioni e sui servizi eco-sistemici forniti dal suolo stesso, sviluppando uno strumento di supporto alle decisioni di sviluppo urbano.


Stato progetto

GeoMol: Assessing subsurface potentials of the Alpine Foreland Basins for sustainable planning and use of natural resources


Stato progetto

Welcome to OneGeology

OneGeology is an international initiative of the geological surveys of the world. This ground-breaking project was launched in 2007 and contributed to the 'International Year of Planet Earth', becoming one of their flagship projects.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and support of participating nations, the initiative has progressed rapidly towards its target - creating dynamic geological map data of the world, available to everyone via the web. We invite you to explore the website and view the maps in the OneGeology Portal.

Geohazards impact assessment for urban areas

Stato progetto

This Project is focused on monitoring geohazard-associated ground deformations, a key prevention action that will be specifically addressed to urban areas and critical infrastructures. The project will propose a procedure to produce maps to assess continuously the potential impact of geohazard activity.

Geohazards impact assessment for urban areas

Stato progetto

This Project is focused on monitoring geohazard-associated ground deformations, a key prevention action that will be specifically addressed to urban areas and critical infrastructures. The project will propose a procedure to produce maps to assess continuously the potential impact of geohazard activity.