From this page, it is possible to access to the geological and environmental databases owned by the technical departments of Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Regional Environmental Agencies with a competence in geology at regional level. These technical bodies, here named Regional Geological Surveys, are located in all the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. ISPRA, through the Geological Survey of Italy, collaborates with them through national programmes, as well as projects and cooperation agreements. The network of Regional Geological Surveys is coordinated by the Geological Survey of Italy, with the aim to build a National distributed system of geologica surveys, similarly to the National System for Environmental Protection. With this objective, in 2016 it was established the National Board of Operative Geology . First activities of this network are i) the GeoERA project, an ERA-NET among National and Regional Geological Surveys in Europe where ISPRA and other five Regional Geological Surveys are full partners; ii) the implementation of a ground motion service, an operative geology service based on satellite interpherometry taking into account the user requirements indicated by Geological Surveys, principal users of these services for their institutional tasks in the field of geological monitoring.