

The support of the Operational Geology Group to the national plan of the Space Economy (Mirror Copernicus) and to the Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP program)

The meeting with the Copernicus Operational Geology Group was held on February 15th. The meeting saw the participation of Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Regional Agencies for the Protection of the Environment. The topics covered were the accompanying action of the Mirror Copernicus Program with specific reference to the Ground Movements service and the organization of the International Training Workshop on "Geohazards and Copernicus downstream applications and services" as part of the Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User uptake (FPCUP 2019).

The Mirror Copernicus program aims to strengthen the positioning of the national production system in the emerging European and global market of geo-space services, through the creation, on the national territory, of an innovative system, called Infrastructure Enabling the Geospatial Services Market, open and interoperable with other similar systems, capable of accelerating their development and increasing competitiveness. The program, which has a cost of 400 million euros, provides for the monitoring of the movement of the soil due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and other natural episodes for the part relating to ground movements, and will develop into 5 accompanying actions : operational testing and validation, testing and verification of performance, specific algorithmic analysis and refinement, analysis and improvement of user needs and creation of the infrastructure dedicated to data management.

The main stakeholders involved are: ISPRA, SNPA, CNR, INRIM, AGEA, CREA, ENEA, MIT, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Civil Protection, Casa Italia, MIPAAF , INFN, GARR and ASI.

The accompanying actions will start in 2021 and end in 2037.

The International Training Workshop on Geohazard and Copernicus downstream applications and services is part of the FPCUP 2019 program which aims to increase the number of Copernicus users and to increase the ability to use applications derived from Copernicus. The training program includes some webinars on Copernicus Ground Motion services and the needs of Italian users, experiences made on Earth movement services already operational at national and regional level and examples of case studies on the application of satellite monitoring techniques on specific natural risks such as landslides, subsidence, active tectonics, earthquakes and volcanism. Through the Workshop, the Operational Geology Group will be able to guarantee a greater ability to contribute to the accompanying action of the Mirror Copernicus program, through the verification and validation of the services that will be developed.