EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) a few days ago has announced the launching of the Geological Service for Europe (GSEU) project, which will directly support the vision of European Green Deal, focusing on our Earth and what lies within its subsurface – energy, water, minerals.
The GSEU’s key objective is to develop and make permanently available a pan-European geological data infrastructure and related information services for the sustainable and safe use of our subsurface and its resources. The GSEU is envisioned as an entry point to a permanent collaborative network of European Geological Survey organisations, the national and regional custodians of subsurface data and information. It will provide European institutions, enterprises, academics and citizens with up-to-date information about the Earth, aggregated at the EU level.
The GSEU will 1) develop harmonised pan-European data and information services, 2) build on the already existing European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI), and 3) strengthen the national and regional Geological Surveys network.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research & innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101075609.
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