

Geonews, newsletter of the Geological Survey of Italy, n.2/2021 is online

In this issue you will find the interview with Andrea Taramelli who explain innovations in the field of Earth observation to boost the growth and economic development of our country, also through the monitoring of ecological transition indicators, an interesting article about anthropogenic sinkholes in Italian historical centers, other topics as the development of new and more efficient procedures for transmitting information to the Geological Survey on the investigations carried out by excavations and drilling and geophysical surveys, the natural risk of landslides along the network of paths of the Sibillini National Park, the H2020 Europlanet RI Project with which innovative geological maps, digital elevation models and 3D geological models from geological maps also will be produce. Finally, in cooperation with geologists of other institutions, we publish a short story about the Lavino River, on the Majella region, renamed the River of crafts, illustrating the evolution of the territory in which it flows through the efforts of the man who inhabits and its waters.

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