Cartografia Geologica  image

Geological Mapping

Geological mapping has been the core activity of the Geological Survey of Italy since its foundation in 1867. The CARG project aims at producing the geological and geothematic maps of Italy at 1:50,000 scale, including some 3D geological models. Thematic maps are produced in the field of geomorphology, structural and marine geology.

Natural hazard

Natural hazard

The Italian territory is geodinamically active and therefore prone to several types of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes, subsidence. These events are frequently enhanced by anthropic activities. The Survey is in charge to characterize the geological causes of these hazard, such as capable faults (ITHACA - ITaly HAzard from CApable faults), the geological effects of earthquakes (EEE Catalogue), and to monitor subsidence phenomena even through the use of satellite data.



Extraction of minerals in mines and quarries is a primary activity with high environmental impact, but also basis for every productive activities, and consequently, for the development and population well-beings. The Survey collects at national level information on active and abandoned extractive sites (quarries and mines). Moreover, it promotes the network of mining parks and museums (ReMI). Furhtermore, participates to the Commission for Hydrocarbon and Mineral Resources (CIRM) to release the permits for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration.

Cassetto Echinidi

Museum Geological and historical collections

The Geological Survey preserves and manages the Geological and Historical Collections comprising about 150,000 paleontological, litho-mineralogical and historical artefacts, e.g. historical geological relief models and technical instruments used in the course of the Geological Survey's activities over more than a century. Preserved since 1885, for over 100 years, in the historical seat of the Museo Agrario Geologico in Largo Santa Susanna in Rome, they are the result of surveying activities for the preparation of the Geological Map, as well as donations and purchases.    A recent  agreement between ISPRA and MIBACT, decided that the Collections will be exhibited in a new museum called "Museo di Geopaleontologia italiana Quintino Sella" (Quintino Sella Museum of Italian Geopaleontology) which will be part of the "Museo delle Civiltà" (Museum of Civilisations). New exhibition spaces designed for this aim, with areas dedicated to teaching, multimedia communication, study and laboratories will allow the prestigious heritage to be available after more than twenty years since the closure of the historical site.

The Virtual museum of Geological and Historical Collections  

Geomorphology and Quaternary geology

Geomorphology and Quaternary geology

For the purposes of the project CARG and the production of geothematic maps specific geomorphic and Quaternary geology field surveys are needed. The Geological Survey publishes guidelines and technical rules, offering technical and scientific support to central and local public bodies, including academic and research institutes.

Applied geology and hydrogeology

Applied geology and hydrogeology

The geological and geomorphological characteristics of the Italian territory determine very high level of geohazard in several areas. The Geological Survey identifies these unstable areas  through specific projects dealing with landslides (IFFI - Italian Landslide Inventory ) and sinkholes. Furthermore, it characterizes these sites in terms of geotechnical and/or hydrogeological characteristics (Stratigraphic boreholes, L. 464/84). Furthermore, the Survey is monitoring the procedure for realization structural works for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk (ReNDiS -  National repertoire of structural works for land protection).

Soil and Land

Soil and Land

Soil is an essential resource, not renewable and strongly threatened by both intense transformations of the territory which are rapidly reducing the extent of natural soil areas, and numerous industrial activities that contaminate soils needing specific reclamation works. The Survey is in charge of monitoring land consumption at national level and of providing technical support to the activities related to remediation programs in contaminated sites of natural interest.


Geophysics and Geodesy

The Department collects, elaborates and interprets geophysical data available at various scale, inland and offshore, even from external source. Collected data result from the application of geophysical methods like gravimetry, magnetometry, seismic, multibeam, sidescansonar, geoelectrical, georadar, microtremors, geodesy and topography.